survival function

英 [səˈvaɪvl ˈfʌŋkʃn] 美 [sərˈvaɪvl ˈfʌŋkʃn]

网络  生存函数; 存活函数; 存活函數; 生存函數; 生存功能



  1. Proteasome Inhibition by Bortezomib in the Regulation of NK Cell Survival and Function
  2. Conclusion AMM has a poor prognosis, the survival function is not relationship with gender and age.
  3. In general, wakefulness in animals is a survival function needed to feed and to keep predators away.
  4. After characteristics of components across phases and that of hybrid methods are researched, and if survival function of the components across the phases is exponentially distributed and the several special terms are matched, then the simple algorithm is presented for the hybrid methods.
  5. Strong convergence of turnbull estimate of survival function with grouped double censored data
  6. In the third chapter, I propose the generalized product-limit estimator for the estimating survival function, which based on weighted estimating equation.
  7. In addition, for the parametric setting where the life distribution under the progressive stress is two parameter Weibull distribution, the tampered coefficient is investigated and the survival function of its life length is also derived for the tampered random variable ( TRV) model.
  8. The Role of Matrix-integrin α 3 Interations in Rat Islet Beta-cell Survival and Function in vitro
  9. The survival time of the patients was also recorded. The survival function was estimated by Kaplan-Meier method, and the significance test was done by Log rank method.
  10. The Estimate of Survival Function and Its Asymptotic Properties for Continuous Processes under Censored Data
  11. This article studies the survival function model of minorities in Yunnan, and made the arithmetic of population life table basing on the model.
  12. As to the characteristic of interval-censored data, nowadays the research of interval-censored data mainly focus on the estimation of survival function with this kind data.
  13. We conclude that the censored data survival function have good large sample qualities under some conditions.
  14. In order to consider the estimator of survival function ( or distribution function) under the competing risk case, the product limit estimator of a distribution function under competing risk case is introduced.
  15. Methods are proposed for deriving a parametric survival function from the sur-vival distributions of the data of an epidemiologic cohort study, depicting a confidence band for it, estimating the cohort half-life, and constructing confidence intervals for it.
  16. Nonparametric estimation of survival function from incomplete observations
  17. The Estimator of the Survival Function under Random Truncation
  18. There are two factors that affect individual survival function: one observed and the other unobserved.
  19. Effects of TNF-α and IL-6 on the survival liver function after hepatectomy in obstructive jaundice rats
  20. Objective To evaluate the effects of the newly developed flight-survival ration on human physiology and metabolism so as to predict its survival supporting function.
  21. The second stage studies the enterprise bankrupt probability according to the roots of credit risks, the deep angle of enterprise bankrupt, and gives the model of credit risks control that based on the survival function.
  22. According to the data of the population of Yunnan province and the one of each minority, which is from the fifth national population survey, population life table has been made on the base of survival function model.
  23. We deduce the maximum likelihood and Bayes estimates of these parameters when the joint survival function obeys the two dimentions exponential distribution, while in Bayes approach, it is assumed that the unknown parameters have Gammar prior distributions.
  24. Methods Analyzing the Survival function of the original lifetime data, and developing Linear Regression Equations by means of related analysis data.
  25. In particular, based on survival copula function we propose a dynamic mixed copula approach, which is able to capture the time-varying tail dependence coefficients.
  26. Backgroud: Ubiquitin-proteasome pathway is the major proteolytic system in the mammal cells, involved in the regulation of cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis. The activation of the proteasome is curial for maintaining cell survival and function.
  27. Nucleotides, which bind to P2 family receptors on cell membrane to regulate survival and function of cells, are novel carriers in intercellular communication.
  28. In recent years, heart tissue engineering was developing quickly, but the sufficient blood supply was the most important key to guarantee the survival and function of tissue-engineered cardiac tissue after transplantation.
  29. The survival function was proved to obeyed the proportional hazards assumption by analyzing the standardized score residuals.
  30. Intercellular communication is critical for the survival and function of cells in multicellular organisms, and this research area has become one of the hot points in life science. The abnormal intercellular communication is closely related to human diseases.